I am excited to announce the release of my seond book, Holistic Bodybuilding: The Aging Antidote. The synopsis of the book is featured in the above picture with the front cover of the book, and in larger print below.
I felt that this book was so needed at this time, as we are dealing with another pandemic, that of obesity, degenerative disease, and other health related problems.
I wrote this book for all, and although my late in life journey took me into competitive bodybuilding at age 66 years young, it’s not about becoming a bodybuilder and getting on stage.
It’s about a lifestyle that if one can begin to adopt, that I believe is based upon incorporating three essential componenents to create optimal health, and at the same time, reverse aging. Cardiovascular exercise, diet/nutrition, and weight training… I hope you will consider reading the book and applying the guidance that it offers.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Ken Davis
Holistic Bodybuilder: The Aging Antidote
Dr. Ken Davis is the current IFBB over-70-years-of-age world champion professional bodybuilder. Ken, a health and wellness professional for 45-years, came to bodybuilding late in life, at age 65. How Dr. Davis went from a normal man with a ‘dad bod’ to winning the IFBB world championship in less than six years is both a fascinating tale and an anti-aging strategy. How he did it will be of profound interest to every over-60 man and woman wanting to find a battle-tested way in which to hold back the hands of time. Dr. Ken combines science and medicine with hardcore bodybuilding tactics, devoid of the radical extremes, all made doable by regular folks. The skillful combining of resistance training, cardiovascular training, nutrition, and supplementation, powered by Dr. Ken’s unique mental approach, creates Holistic bodybuilding, the most efficient and effective way in which those on the wrong side of 60 can improve functionality, strength, endurance, leanness, and wellness. His comprehensive approach creates “holistic synergy.”
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